Friends or Family Telling You Not To Buy?
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- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: For Buyers For Buyers
- Published: 21 November 2017 21 November 2017
- Hits: 8983 8983
A Common thing we are hearing in this healthy real estate market is, "My friend/family member says now isn't a good time to buy." or "I'm waiting for the bubble to burst again." Well, the truth is, it's a great time to buy! Interests rates are still at all time lows and with the rising rent prices, it makes more financial sense to put your money towards something you can build equity in rather than putting it into something that will give you no return.
Selling Your Home Quickly While Spending Less
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- Written by Mitch Wixom Mitch Wixom
- Category: For Sellers For Sellers
- Published: 16 April 2019 16 April 2019
- Hits: 5834 5834
Whether due to personal reasons or situations beyond your control, there are times when you need to sell your house quickly and move on. However, this can be extremely difficult, particularly if your house is older or in poor condition. The good news is that there are a number of relatively simple home improvement projects you can undertake that will help you make your home more attractive to buyers. Here are some of the most effective projects in order of cost.
Where do Buyers find Their New Home?
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- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: For Sellers For Sellers
- Published: 01 December 2017 01 December 2017
- Hits: 9422 9422
With the digital age in full swing, many people believe that most buyers can search for and find their new home all on their own. However, based on an independent study, licensed Realtors are still the #1 source for buyers! Take a look at the chart below to see where buyers are finding their new homes.
- Details
- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: For Sellers For Sellers
- Published: 10 January 2017 10 January 2017
- Hits: 15654 15654
The amount of homes with that "For Sale By Owner" (aka FSBO) sign in the front lawn seldom seems to decrease. We're here to let you know why doing what may seem like saving money, is actually costing you.